August 2017 update

New abstract art for August 2017 [foogallery id="334"] Click the thumbnails above to see more This series began with the intention of creating a single stand alone portrait. I set out to initiate an abstract portrait of friend and fellow artist Jacqui Sommerman. In this case I will need to move beyond a conventional portrait [...]

By |2018-03-15T19:49:10+00:00August 20th, 2017|art in depth, monthly updates|Comments Off on August 2017 update

How can you tell a story with iconography?

How can you tell a story with iconography in art? I will explore this by discussing my 2014 painting "We Can Talk". I had a visual pallet and a general idea of what I wanted to explore. However, I ruminated over the actual iconography for months before finally getting to the point where I was [...]

By |2023-03-19T14:19:46+00:00March 31st, 2017|art in depth|Comments Off on How can you tell a story with iconography?

Post Art opening analysis: Why the context of an art venue matters so much

Why does context matter so much when presenting art? A common misconception is that you can just plug your work on any old wall and the money will just roll right in the door. This is far from the truth. However, I am a fan of doing things in a DIY manner, so I gave [...]

By |2018-03-15T19:49:11+00:00March 29th, 2017|art in depth|Comments Off on Post Art opening analysis: Why the context of an art venue matters so much
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